Toronto FC 2020 roster

Alejandro Pozuelo

Alex Bono

Auro Jr.

Ayo Akinola

Chris Mavinga

Erickson Gallardo

Eriq Zavaleta

Griffin Dorsey

Jacob Shaffelburg

Jahkeele Marshall-Rutty

Jayden Nelson

Jonathan Osorio

Jozy Altidore

Julian Dunn

Justin Morrow

Laurent Ciman

Liam Fraser

Marky Delgado

Michael Bradley

Nick DeLeon

Noble Okello

Omar Gonzalez

Patrick Mullins

Quintin Westberg

Richie Laryea

Rocco Romeo

Tsubasa Endoh

Alejandra Rueda

Bill Manning

Carmelo Lobue

Chris Pozniak

Corey Wray

Damien Hall

Dan Calichman

Danny Dichio

Darren Messam

David Waters

Devin Pleuler

Diana Esteireiro

Elaine Flamenco

Eric Giacometti

Fabian Casal

Gianni Cimini

Greg Vanney

Gus Kandilas

Ira Smith

Jack Dodd

Jason Bent

Jim Liston

Jon Conway

Jordan Custoreri

Kadeem Bandali

Kevin Halford

Kevin Murphy

Luciano Lombardi

Luke Garcia

Marco Casalinuovo

Mark Cruz

Melissa Frith

Michael Stefano

Mike Masaro

Mike Munoz

Monika Cule

Phil Borger


Riccardo Nero

Sacha de Almeida

Sam Green

Samra Habtom

Shane Wright

Spencer Dungey

Tania Pedron

Ted Tieu

Terry Dunfield

Thiago Aguiar

Vince Bueno
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.