Houston Dynamo 2015 roster

A.J. Cochran

Alex Lima

Alexander Lopez

Boniek Garcia

Brad Davis

Chandler Hoffman

Corey Ashe

DaMarcus Beasley

David Horst

Erick Torres

Giles Barnes

Jermaine Taylor

Joe Willis

Kofi Sarkodie

Leonel Miranda

Luis Garrido

Mauro Manotas

Memo Rodriguez

Michael Lisch

Nathan Sturgis

Rasheed Olabiyi

Raul Rodriguez

Ricardo Clark

Rob Lovejoy

Sheanon Williams

Taylor Hunter

Tyler Deric

Will Bruin

Zach Steinberger

Evan Alvarez

JP Henderson

Justin Andrews

Matt Jordan

Nick Kowba

Owen Coyle

Paul Caffrey

Paul Rogers

Rory Blevins

Ryan Thamm

Sandy Stewart

Theron Enns

Wade Barrett
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.