Washington Spirit 2018 roster
Andi Sullivan
Arielle Ship
Ashley Hatch
Aubrey Bledsoe
Cali Farquharson
Caprice Dydasco
Cheyna Matthews
Didi Haracic
Estefani Banini
Estelle Johnson
Francisca Ordega
Havana Solaun
Joanna Lohman
Kelsey Wys
Mallory Pugh
Meggie Dougherty Howard
Morgan Proffitt
Rebecca Quinn
Rose Lavelle
Taylor Smith
Tiffany Weimer
Tori Huster
Whitney Church
Yanara Aedo
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.