New England Revolution 2009 roster

Amaechi Igwe

Andrei Gotsmanov

Argenis Fernandez

Brad Knighton

Brian Visser

Chris Albright

Chris Salvaggione

Chris Tierney

Dado Hamzagic

Darrius Barnes

Gabriel Badilla

Jay Heaps

Jeff Larentowicz

Kenny Mansally

Kevin Alston

Kheli Dube

Matt Reis

Mauricio Castro

Michael Videira

Pat Phelan

Rob Valentino

Ryan Maxwell

Sainey Nyassi

Shalrie Joseph

Steve Ralston

Taylor Twellman

Tyrel Lacey

Wells Thompson

Zack Simmons

Brian Banfill

Dr. Bertram Zarins

Dr. Michael Weinman

Glenn O'Connor

Gwynne Williams

Paul Mariner

Phil Madore

Sean Kupiec

Steve Nicol
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.