Sporting Kansas City 2019 roster
Adrián Zendejas
Andreu Fontas
Botond Baráth
Dániel Sallói
Eric Dick
Erik Hurtado
Felipe Gutiérrez
Gerso Fernandes
Gianluca Busio
Graham Smith
Graham Zusi
Ilie Sánchez
Jaylin Lindsey
Jimmy Medranda
Johnny Russell
Kelyn Rowe
Krisztián Németh
Matt Besler
Rodney Wallace
Roger Espinoza
Seth Sinovic
Tim Melia
Tyler Freeman
Wan Kuzain
Yohan Croizet
Alec Dufty
Ash Wallace
Betsy Maxfield
Brian Bliss
Chet North
Chris Wolbert
Diane Robison
Joey Harty
Jon Farrell
Kerry Zavagnin
Khalid Jones
Kurt Andrews
Meghan Cameron
Mike Flaherty
Peter Vermes
Sam Jaksen
Satoshi Iida
Zoran Savic
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.