Colorado Rapids 2015 roster
Axel Sjöberg
Bobby Burling
Caleb Calvert
Carlos Alvarez
Charles Eloundou
Clint Irwin
Dillon Powers
Dillon Serna
Dominique Badji
Drew Moor
Gabriel Torres
James Riley
Jared Watts
John Berner
Joseph Greenspan
Juan Ramirez
Kevin Doyle
Lucas Pittinari
Luis Solignac
Marc Burch
Marcelo Sarvas
Marlon Hairston
Maynor Figueroa
Michael Harrington
Nick La Brocca
Sam Cronin
Sean St. Ledger
Vicente Sanchez
Zac MacMath
Brian Mullan
Chris Sharpe
Claudio López
Pablo Mastroeni
Pádraig Smith
Steve Cooke
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.