Columbus Crew SC 2015 roster
Aaron Schoenfeld
Ben Speas
Ben Swanson
Brad Stuver
Cedrick Mabwati
Chad Barson
Chris Klute
Emanuel Pogatetz
Ethan Finlay
Federico Higuain
Harrison Afful
Hector Jimenez
Jack McInerney
Justin Meram
Kei Kamara
Kevan George
Kristinn Steindorsson
Matt Lampson
Michael Parkhurst
Mohammed Saeid
Romain Gall
Sauro Gaston
Sergio Campbell
Steve Clark
Tony Tchani
Tyson Wahl
Waylon Francis
Wil Trapp
Asher Mendelsohn
Brook Hamilton
Craig Devine
Gregg Berhalter
John Velasco
Jon MacGregor
Josh Wolff
Pat Onstad
Ron Meadors
Sixten Boström
Steve Tasjian
Tucker Walther
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.