Houston Dynamo 2020 roster
Adam Lundkvist
Alberth Elis
Alejandro Fuenmayor
Boniek Garcia
Christian Ramirez
Cody Cropper
Darwin Ceren
Darwin Quintero
Eric McCue
Jose Bizama
Kiki Struna
Kyle Adams
Marcelo Palomino
Marco Maric
Matias Vera
Mauro Manotas
Maynor Figueroa
Memo Rodriguez
Michael Nelson
Michael Salazar
Niko Hansen
Ronaldo Pena
Sam Junqua
Tomas Martinez
Tommy McNamara
Victor Cabrera
Zarek Valentin
Brett Singer
Carl Edwards
Casey Carlson
Cesar Martinez
Chris Rumsey
Christopher Maxwell
Eddie Cerda
Irving Vega
Matt Jordan
Nathan Hironymous
Nick Kowba
Omid Namazi
Pablo Mastroeni
Paul Caffrey
Paul Rogers
Sean Steffen
Sebastian Romero
Tab Ramos
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.