Oakland Roots SC 2023 roster
Adan Corona
Anuar Peláez
Bryan Tamacas
Damario McIntosh
Daniel Gomez
Danny Barbir
Dariusz Formella
Drew Murray
Edgardo Rito
Edwin Rodriguez
Emrah Klimenta
Estgar Cruz
Ethan Kohler
Irakoze Donasiyano
Javier Bedolla-Vera
Johnny Rodriguez
Joseph Nane
Kevin Wright
Lindo Mfeka
Memo Diaz
Napo Matsoso
Neveal Hackshaw
Paul Blanchette
Ryan Her
Tarek Morad
Taylor Bailey
Thomas Camier
Trayvone Reid
Wolfgang Prentice
Clement Attakora
Dannylo Ayllon
Dr. Brian Flannery
Dr. Cindy Chang, MD
Dr. Dan Thuillier, MD
Dr. Nick Hatamiya, DO
Gavin Glinton
Ivan Villaneda
Jordan Ferrell
Lisa Bonta Sumii
Mat Herold
Neil Falcone
Nina Frietas, PT, DPT
Noah Delgado
Peter Davis
Valentin Saldana Jr.
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.