Real Salt Lake 2015 roster
Aaron Maund
Abdoulie Mansally
Adolfo Ovalle
Boyd Okwuonu
Chris Schuler
Demar Phillips
Devon Sandoval
Elias Vasquez
Jamison Olave
Javier Morales
Jeff Attinella
Joao Plata
John Stertzer
Jordan Allen
Justen Glad
Kyle Beckerman
Lalo Fernandez
Luis Gil
Luis Silva
Luke Mulholland
Nick Rimando
Olmes Garcia
Phanuel Kavita
Sebastian Jaime
Sebastian Saucedo
Tony Beltran
Wellington "Pecka" Paeckart
lvaro SaborĂo
Andy Williams
Craig Waibel
Dan Barlow
Daryl Shore
Elliot Fall
Jeff Cassar
Presley Okobia
Sal Perez
Ted Eck
Tyler Knight
Tyrone Marshall
Tyson Pace
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.