Real Salt Lake 2019 roster
Aaron Herrera
Adam Henley
Albert Rusnák
Alex Horwath
Andrew Putna
Brooks Lennon
Corey Baird
Damir Kreilach
Donny Toia
Erik Holt
Everton Luiz
Jefferson Savarino
Joao Plata
Julian Vazquez
Justen Glad
Justin Portillo
Kyle Beckerman
Kyle Coffee
Luis Arriaga
Luke Mulholland
Marcelo Silva
Nedum Onuoha
Nick Besler
Nick Rimando
Pablo Ruiz
Sam Brown
Sam Johnson
Sebastian Saucedo
Tate Schmitt
Tony Beltran
Alejando Caparelli
Freddy Juarez
Kristina Kearl
Matt Howley
Mike Petke
Ted Eck
Theron Enns
Tim Weaver
Todd Hoffard
Tyler Knight
Tyrone Marshall
These headshots were obtained directly from league and team sources, and are provided here as-is. Some people may be missing; some people may be included who were not actually on the roster; other errors may exist. If you spot a mistake, feel free to email me.